Welcome to The Divination Nation blog!
We are Pleasant Gehman and Crystal Ravenwolf, a duo of divination divas, “spiritual sisters from another mister”. We’re life-long Tarotistas, obsessed with all things esoteric and paranormal. Look for our forthcoming book, “Walking The Tarot Path” in 2017.
We’ve created this blog to share our knowledge and to connect with the vibrant worldwide metaphysical and paranormal community. We hope it’s as fun for you to read as it is for us to write…Enjoy!
This is Part Two in our series of plants that are used in ritual and magic. If you haven’t read Part One yet, you can find it here:
Since the beginning of time,
plants have been used for healing and magick. Witches, sorcerers, conjurers,
root workers, and medicine people from every continent and culture have
employed the bounty of nature into their occult and therapeutic practices. Even
some of your grandma’s home remedies were probably at one time considered
magick! Today, homeopathic medicine, and spiritual practices using botanical
ingredients are widely accepted across the globe…and are every bit as important
as they once were in ancient times.
Each and every plant has it’s
own unique vibration, and when matched with your intent -or ailment- can serve
you in manifesting your desires or as an herbal cure or beauty aid. Nowadays,
we no longer have to rely on using plants that are native to our geographic
location, so the natural materials you use for your practice can come from
anywhere- a local farmer’s market, a metaphysical shop, Home Depot or even from
Before you start using plants and seeds for
your magick, be sure to do thorough research, because some can be quite toxic
to you or your pets.
For example, plants that are extremely
poisonous for cats include-but aren’t
limited to- most lilies, geraniums, chrysanthemums, and good old marijuana.
Dogs can die if they ingest daffodils, amaryllis, tulips and many other
species. Oleander, along with several plants and seeds are also deadly to
humans. It’s kind of crazy to think that a beautiful shrub growing in your backyard
could kill you, but it’s the truth.
hard and fast rule when working with any plants is that if you’re not one
hundred percent sure about its potential toxicity, never ingest or burn it!
If you’d like to start incorporating plants
in your magickal practice, you won’t have to go much father than your local
grocery store, and you probably already have several in your kitchen.
We made a short beginner’s
list of some readily available herbs, fruits and seeds that are commonly used
in magick…and none of them are toxic.
Have fun kitchen witchin’!
Allspice tastes great and is often
used during the holidays; it’s sprinkled on eggnog or as an ingredient in
pumpkin or mince pie; however most of us have no clue that the ancient Mayans
used it in the process of embalming their dead!
Aside from cooking, the
magickal properties of the spice itself, the berries it comes from or Allspice
oil is all used in prosperity and good luck spells. It is said that if you keep seven berries in a
mojo bag (and on your person) for a week, you’ll have good luck the whole time.
On the seventh and last day, throw the berries into running water and make a
Allspice purportedly has great healing
attributes too: sleeping with mojo bag or bowl full allspice near you is said
to increase physical stamina and provide
and energetic uplift. Allspice oil or powder is
often used in money-drawing work. It’s believed
that if you sprinkle the threshold of your home or business with Allspice, it
will improve your finances.
You probably know Calendula by its more
common name: Marigold. A favorite garden flower, this hardy plant has been
symbolic of love and faithfulness for centuries. The petals are edible and have
been used in salads or as a festive garnish.
This plant also has several
magickal uses. The flower petals are an ingredient in love spells from many
different cultures, and can also be used to consecrate an area for ritual. A
Calendula sachet placed under your pillow can inspire visionary dreams; oil or
the petals can also be used as candle dressings to promote clairvoyance.
Traditionally, wreaths of Marigold or
Calendula are hung on the front door to
protect a house from evil spirits or the ill will of humans.
This plant, which grows wild in cooler
climates, has a variety of uses.
It is used as a protective herb for
travellers- place a comfrey sachet in your luggage to prevent it from getting
lost, or in your car for a safe journey.
Comfrey has always been used
for healing, and some of it’s colloquial names- bruisewort, boneset,
knitbone-reflect that. Comfrey leaves have a high concentration of allanatoin, a
natural compound found in many commercial dermatological products. Allanatoin-rich Comfrey has been used to
soothe the skin, curb inflammation from acne and can aid in wound closure.
Scatter Comfrey leaves and flowers in a ritual
bath to boost a love spell… and if it turned out that lover wasn’t good for
you, Comfrey can also be used for healing after breaking off a bad
Palo Santo
The Spanish words Palo Santo mean “Holy Wood”,
and accordingly Palo Santo sticks have been used by several cultures for
spiritual work. Palo Santo grows in the tropical dry forests of South America,
and belongs to Burseraceae, the same
botanical family as the trees that myrrh and frankincense come from. Its shamanic
use can be traced back to the Inca people.
Medicinally, Palo Santo oil
can be used to boost the immune system and to combat stomachaches and arthritic
inflammation. It is also well known as a
safe and natural insect repellent.
Today it is widely available today in occult
or New Age stores. Similar to sage or
cedar, Palo Santo is known for it’s purifying and cleansing properties. It’s
pleasing scent while burning- a mixture
of citrus and woodsy fragrances- makes it fantastic to use as incense or for a
smudge stick. Either way, the smoke will encourage grounding, decrease negative
thoughts, alleviate stress and clear
away negative energy.
The Yarrow plant is what is known as a
nervine- meaning it has an effect on the nervous system. Like Hops, which are used in beer, Yarrow is
a relaxant nervine; it will also cause a warming sensation within the body.
Because of this, it has been used for centuries as a pain reliever and anti-spasmodic
and is often included in in tinctures or baths to ease menstrual cramps or
reduce fevers. It’s relaxing properties
also make it an ideal herb to mix with chamomile to make a tranquil
sleep-promoting tea. Many like to use
Yarrow in dream pillows because they believe it promotes vivid dreams.
Folkloric Magick has several other uses for Yarrow, too. During the Middle Ages, this herb was used to
summon-and banish- Satan himself. Hanging a bouquet of the pretty white or pale
yellow flowers above a bed on the wedding night will bring happiness and good
fortune to the newlywed couple. And if the
activities on the wedding night result in a pregnancy, it’s said that if the
mother-to-be holds a bunch of Yarrow during child birth her labor will be quick
and easy.
Yarrow can be burned, used in oil or infused
in tea to promote psychic vision, prophetic dreams and spirit communication
LOVE to connect with you!Visit us to book metaphysical and occult workshops, Tarot readings and healings, or to have us come out for a paranormal investigation: https://www.facebook.com/TheDivinationNation?fref=ts
Connect with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TarotAlimah
To find out more about Pleasant or request a reading or healing session, click here: http://pleasantgehman.com/tarot.html
For more on Crystal’s background, or request a reading or healing session, click here: http://crystalravenwolf.com
Our new book, “Walking The Tarot Path”, will be
available for pre-order soon!