Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Welcome to The Divination Nation blog!
We are Pleasant Gehman and Crystal Ravenwolf, a duo of divination divas, “spiritual sisters from another mister”. We’re life-long Tarotistas, obsessed with all things esoteric and paranormal. Look for our forthcoming book, “Walking The Tarot Path” coming soon!

We’ve created this blog to share our knowledge and to connect with the vibrant worldwide metaphysical and paranormal community. We hope it’s as fun for you to read as it is for us to write…Enjoy!

 Self care is important for everyone, and most of us don’t devote  nearly enough time for  it. But for any metaphysical practitioner, it’s absolutely imperative. For those of us living a mackical life- whether you’re a witch, a psychic or do any kind of divination- there’s a constant out-pouring of energy. Many of us are healers, spending large amounts of time taking care of others. Spell work itself is manipulating energy, so it’s vital that our own health comes first. Eventually, if you don’t care for yourself, you won’t have any energy to devote to your work. Flight attendants announce that  passengers need to put on their own oxygen masks before assisting others, and as the old saying  goes, “you can’t pour from any empty cup”!
 Each week, we get emails asking about self-cleansing, spiritual replenishment and grounding. So we’re sharing our favorite tips for keeping your magickal oxygen mask firmly in place and your witchy cup  brimming full.

There are many ways to get grounded.. Finding the method that best suits you and your own belief system is the trick to staying connected with Mother Earth.
 One of the easiest ways to ground is  called Earthing; basically, this just means standing or walking barefoot in the grass, dirt, or sand on a beach. It’s a wonderful way of grounding out the excess energy you may be carrying around.
Wearing or carrying crystals/stones that match the vibrations of the Root Chakra is  also a go-to method for many witches. Smokey Quartz, Labradorite, Red Jasper, and Hematite have amazing grounding properties.

Connecting With Nature
 Witchcraft is based the elements and nature, so communing with the natural world is an amazing way to release stagnant or negative energy. Take a walk in the forest, hug a tree, go to the beach or lake. This is a tried and true method of grounding…not to mention it’s super relaxing, and a peaceful, beautiful way to hit the “re-set button”.

The most popular -and quickest-method of cleansing for most modern witches is to give yourself a smoke bath using sage, cedar or Palo Santo. Simply light the herb and fan your whole body with the smoke. Traditionally, you’ll start at the crown of your head and work your way down, ensuring  that every part of your body is touched by the  fragrant smoke.

 Taking a magickal bath is a more traditional way of cleansing.  Though it’s more time consuming than a smoke bath, it’s also completely relaxing and a wonderful way to center yourself. The ingredients for an ablution or ritual cleansing bath don’t need to be complicated. Good old baking soda  or apple cider vinegar are fabulous for clearing and cleansing. Both are a natural way of making your pH balance more alkaline. Add a cup or two of either of these to your bath.
Another great base for your is Epsom Salts, which have the added benefit of easing tired muscles. Again, a cup or two in the water will work just fine. Sea Salt is also a fabulous addition. Add a generous handful to your bath, but since  salt can be drying to your skin, be sure to slather on  some luscious lotion or coconut oil while your skin is still damp.
 Along with the water running from the tap, some practitioners like to sprinkle in a few drops of Moon Water, which is purified/distilled water  that’s been charged by the light of the moon. Various crystal waters can be used this way too, such as Amethyst or Quartz Water. Some people like adding Rose Water or Florida Water, as both are cleansing and banish negativity.  Feel free to add your favorite essential oils or fresh herbs, but make sure the oils won’t irritate your more, er… “delicate” parts. The herbs you choose should reflect your cleansing intentions. Chamomile and Lavender are both great for clearing and reducing stress; Rosemary is tops for purification and protection.
 Some people even substitute  an energetically cleansing shower to coincide with their busy life style, but we believe that taking a bath is a luxurious form of self care, as well as a  great way for releasing  for wanted energy.
 While bathing, candles-whether for protection or decoration- are wonderful.  Meditate, use positive visualization and prayers according to your  spiritual practice.

Egg cleansing or Limpia is connected to many different cultures and traditions. When using the egg, you are going to rub the egg over your body allowing the eggs sponge like properties to absorb the negative and excess energy. As with anything else there are many variations of this technique.

This is one of our favorite  methods, as both of us are also professional burlesque/belly performers and dance is a huge part of our lives. All humans store emotions and stagnant energy in our bodies that must be released, and a terrific way to get that energy in motion -and out of you - is to  simply get your body moving! Dancing, walking, swimming, hiking, Yoga, team sports… identify a few of your favorites and practice them often!

Back To The Basics
This is going to sound like a complete no-brainer, but getting adequate sleep, sticking ( mostly)  to a healthy diet and drinking lots of water is something many of us struggle with!  These three things are essential for any human body, but as a  Metaphysical Athlete, you need all of these  much  more than the average person.

Taking care of yourself  is paramount when it comes to your spiritual practice, so always  make time for it! As always, we wish you and yours a wonderful  magickal life!


We’d LOVE to connect with you!

Visit us to book metaphysical and occult workshops, Tarot readings and healings, or to have us come out for a paranormal investigation:

Connect with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TarotAlimah

To find out more about Pleasant or request a reading or healing session, click here: http://pleasantgehman.com/tarot.html

 For more on Crystal’s background, or request a reading or healing session, click here: http://crystalravenwolf.com