Monday, July 1, 2019


Welcome to The Divination Nation blog!
We are Pleasant Gehman and Crystal Ravenwolf, a duo of divination divas, “spiritual sisters from another mister”. We’re life-long Tarotistas, obsessed with all things esoteric and paranormal. Look for our forthcoming book, “Walking The Tarot Path” coming soon!
We’ve created this blog to share our knowledge and to connect with the vibrant worldwide metaphysical and paranormal community. We hope it’s as fun for you to read as it is for us to write…Enjoy!

  Book Review: Tarot For Troubled Times
  By Shaheen Miro & Theresa Reed
(Weiser Books, July 2019)

Tarot for Troubled Times by Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed is a highly relevant book, and it drops this week. This book is an extraordinary guide for readers who want a deeper dive, but it’s  publication also  hits exactly at the moment when our world needs it the most.  Worldwide politics are surreal and terrifying; the threat of war is constant, mass shootings and terrorism are rampant; addiction and depression are  major challenges faced by thousands, if not millions. So yeah…”troubled times” is an understatement.

This book also lines up in perfect synchronicity with a global uptick in interest for anything and everything  metaphysical. Pretty much anything  witchy  or “woo woo” is downright trendy at the moment, and of course that includes Tarot. In factTarot leads the pack.  Currently, everyone and their fifteen year old sister are hoarding  new decks, smudge bundles and rose quartz, declaring themselves expert Tarot readers.

  This book, however, is written by real experts: the depth of knowledge here and the way it’s imparted are simply un-paralleled.

 Both authors are highly respected metaphysicians, each with a yards-long long list of talents and accomplishments, which is what  makes this book so compelling and comprehensive.

We first met Shaheen Miro at the Denver Tarot Convention in 2015, where he taught an incredible class on tasseography, more commonly known as tea leaf reading. He’s a psychic, a card reader, a deck creator (The Lunar Nomad Oracle Deck)  an energy worker and intuitive coach. Follow this link to an interview we did with Shaheen for more info on his process:

Theresa Reed aka The Tarot Lady is so well known, she probably doesn’t need an introduction… but just in case: she’s a driving force in the global Tarot  community, and an expert on several levels. She’s a crackerjack reader, an author and prolific blogger, an astrologer, and a business mentor who really knows her stuff. She was  recently the keynote speaker at The Readers Studio, the largest Tarot event in the United States; she also hosts a popular  podcast and teaches workshops and seminars  worldwide. Click this link to read  our interview with her:

  But back to their book: Tarot For Trouble Times is a profound work, addressing  healing through Tarot and magick, using everything from unflinching personal shadow work to cutting etheric cords. There’s sections on everything from dealing with energy vampires to becoming more globally aware and socially conscious. Written workbook style, there are chapters on the Elements, personal affirmations, rituals, meditations and candle magic as well as lots of  Tarot wisdom.

The plethora of Tarot spreads is sweeping and unique, including layouts created specifically for  self-knowledge as well as  for grief,  addiction and relapses, and for those dark times when you feel lost and untethered.

 Tarot For Troubled Times  really lives up to it’s subtitle: “Confront your shadow, heal your self, transform the world”.  

We highly recommend this thoughtful-and thought-provoking book. It’s must for any serious reader and those who aspire to be.

 #  # #  

  PurchaseTarot For Troubled Times:
 From RedWheel/ Weiser Books:

From Amazon:

 Theresa & Shaheen will be co-teaching teaching a workshop on July 27 at The Boston Tea Room, 224 West 9 Mile Road, Ferndale, Michigan
To register, click here:

 For more info on their events, visit their websites:

Crystal ravenwolf and Pleasant Gehman photo by Graphic Vibe LA

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To find out more about Pleasant or request a reading or healing session, click here:

 For more on Crystal’s background, or request a reading or healing session, click here: